Monday, December 15, 2008

Story Annie

Several years ago a guy I didn't know so well, and didn't like so much, told me I "told too many stories." He didn't like that I could write a story on the spot and color it in with my imagination. To insult me, or maybe he thought it was teasing, (he wasn't the most tactful or socially brilliant guy), he called me "Story Annie." He thought he was so clever coming up with this supposedly derogatory name. But what I heard was the perfect name for my alter ego- the part of me that loves to write stories.
That guy would one year later be immortalized as one of the more awful characters in the book I wrote with my best friend Juli, "Beyond Perfection." I wonder if that guy ever could have imagined that by insulting me, and being, quite frankly, a total jackass to me, that he'd be the instigation of my writing career? But that's giving him too much credit. I always wanted to write. I've always needed an outlet for all the silly stories and scenarios I devise in my head. He just unwittingly gave me the name I wanted to do it with.
The truth is, I may have one more book left in me. After all, I've written 100 pages of it already, and I just need to bunker down and finish the remaining 200 pages that are in my  head and put them on paper. But who knows if and when that will ever happen.
But really, I don't care if I ever write another book. I just want to have fun writing and telling stories. So I've decided to do my own thing here, and use this blog to write stories and share them. Ironically, with Google AdSense on the page, and just enough traffic to this site, I could conceivably make more money doing it this way, than I could publishing another book, and going through the tedious editing and publishing process.
Some of the stories you will find here will be installments of a longer story, or chapters in a book that will never be written. Others will be new stories as they come out of my head. I'll try to organize it so you can follow along with me. Some will be children's stories, such as new chapters in the "Pete and Aloysius" saga. Some will be a little more adult in nature. They will all just be whatever feels like falling out of my head. There will also be no rhyme or reason as to when I will add new material, so I suggest adding this to your RSS feeder or bookmarks.


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